Pursuit of Peace (Shalom)
God wants shalom (justice, reconciliation, well-being, wholeness, and peace) for all of creation, in all aspects of life. Unfortunately, injustice, exploitation, and violence are too often the norm in our world.
As a church, our longstanding vision has been to build up what we call “Zion” — God’s just and peaceable kingdom on earth.
In the past, we founded communities to live out Zionic principles, including at our church’s international headquarters in Independence, Missouri, where our Temple is dedicated to peace.
More recently we have felt the call to build up Zion in our own neighbourhoods, establishing programs and charities that improve the community.
We work to restore peace (shalom) to all creation and to celebrate God’s peace wherever it appears or is being pursued by people of good will.
As a church, our longstanding vision has been to build up what we call “Zion” — God’s just and peaceable kingdom on earth.
In the past, we founded communities to live out Zionic principles, including at our church’s international headquarters in Independence, Missouri, where our Temple is dedicated to peace.
More recently we have felt the call to build up Zion in our own neighbourhoods, establishing programs and charities that improve the community.
We work to restore peace (shalom) to all creation and to celebrate God’s peace wherever it appears or is being pursued by people of good will.